Today, having a website is a necessity but just having a website is not enough. You have to build a solid online marketing strategy to leverage your website to generate new business for you. We already discussed how a website can help small and medium businesses, especially now, when the world is facing unpredictable lock downs due to COVID-19. If you are new to Online marketing check what Online Marketing is all about and how it can help your small business.
Once you have your website in place, crossed all ‘t’s and dotted all ‘i’s, you are ready to plan your online marketing strategy. Building a fail-safe Online Marketing Strategy can be divided into seven simple steps:
1. Identify your target audience
First step is to identify who are your prospect customers. It help you shortlist their general profile like gender, age group, geographical area, education etc, which in turn will help you choose appropriate mediums to market your business.
2. Understand and identify your prospect’s requirements
Unless you know what exactly your customers are looking for, you cannot design effective marketing communication. Identifying your customer needs will help you connect with them and develop your own USP.
3. Identify right Social Media platforms
Social media presence is of utmost importance to any business these days. But with increasing number of social media platforms, having a presence and maintaining all channels becomes difficult and costly. Also, not all people use every social media platform. Understanding the social media channels your prospect customers use is the key to reach out to them.
4. Optimize your Website
Optimizing website plays an important role both in strength of your online presence as well as customer engagement. Website should be optimized not only for the search engines to rank higher in the search result, but should be optimized for the users to provide great browsing experience.
5. Create Useful content to engage your users
There may be hundreds of websites selling the same product or service, what will make you stand apart is if you provide useful information about your products and knowledgebase for your customers to solve their problems. Informative and original content will significantly increase your user engagement.
6. Connect with your customers and website users
The marketing effort should be persistent. Keep your customers engaged by sending them periodic newsletters with relevant information in form of emails. Connect with them of Social media platforms and participate in relevant discussions to directly or indirectly hi-light your USP.
7. Website analysis
Last and probably the most important step in this whole process is website analysis. Unless you track the performance of your online marketing campaigns and user interaction on your website you cannot measure the success of your marketing efforts. You need to track and analyze the actions you initiated as your online Marketing by going through daily and monthly reports on your website traffic, sources, ranking and queries will give you a good idea as to where you stand.
Web Apps Interactive is a Web Development and Online Marketing Company which provides complete end to end solutions to bring your business online and make it successful. We can assist you in every step of the way in planning and executing a successful Online Marketing Strategy for your business. For more information or any queries regarding our services contact us on email at or call us at 8591633904.