Web Apps Interactive Blog

Website Launch Checklist
You are finally ready to bring your business online with a new swanky website. But before you announce the world of this new venture of yours, it is very important to make sure everything is as it should be. Remember the saying, “First impression...

Small Business and Social Media
Social Media is the buzz word today. Social Media is the preferred platform for marketing for any business, big or small. Businesses are increasingly using Social Media platforms to connect with their audiences to generate brand awareness, increase...

Building an Online Marketing Strategy
Today, having a website is a necessity but just having a website is not enough. You have to build a solid online marketing strategy to leverage your website to generate new business for you. We already discussed how a website can help small and...

What is Online Marketing?
Simply put, Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in your products and services. Marketing is what you say and how you say when you want to explain how awesome your product or service is and why people should...

Bring your Small Business Online to beat the COVID-19 Threat!
COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented pandemic in modern era that has affected each and every corner of the world. As of now, more than a million people across the globe are suffering from this and the number just keeps on increasing at an alarming...